The ECP 2100M is an advanced version of the ECP 2000M and has been engineered to deliver
The ECP2100M uses RS-485 communication protocol which reduces the tedious wiring in ECP 2000M model. The complete control consists of a central CPU communicating serially with individual CPU for each motor.
The front panel is divided into two parts viz. the ink keys section and the touch-panel. The ink keys section digitally displays the percentage (in numbers between 0 and 99) of the ink flow and of the individual movement keys of each motor in either direction. The touch panel consists of the unit selection keys, movement keys for the registration and ink duct motors, individual reset keys, central lock key, and a few other function related keys. It also displays the currently selected unit and the positions of the motors (registration & ink duct) for the selected unit.
The ECP 2100M consists of a main touch panel display. The panel displays various parameters such as the currently selected unit, the circumferential and lateral motor positions and ink duct positions. The panel also consists of buttons for motor movements & cylinder selection. While the motor movement is displayed in percentage from 0 to 99, the circumferential and lateral motor movements are shown in terms of plate movements measured in millimetres on either side of the centre.
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